Hit animated series Topo Tip has arrived on DVD.
The first season of the popular animated show following the adventures Topo, a humorous mouse loved by children across Europe is now available for entertainment. In a deal brokered by Maurizio Distefano, Studio Bozzetto has signed a licensing agreement with Eagle Pictures production company to produce a series of six Topo Tip DVDs. Each contains eight episodes lasting seven minutes each in a collection available to fans and consumers in all supermarkets, hypermarkets and traditional channels across Italy.
Maurizio Distefano, chairman of the homonymous agency, said: “Topo Tip is an example of Italian excellence. Created by Andrea Dami in 2003, Topo Tip has launched into a very successful book series, boasting no fewer than 30 titles, translated into 35 different languages for fans across the globe. Topo transition from paper to animated cartoon series has captivated an even wider audience. Each episode is enriched by its extreme attention to detail in the development of each of the book series’ characters and environments.”